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Version: Draft



FHIR distinguishes three different types of versioning summarised here as follows.

Version kindVersion describes..How represented in the FHIR resource..
RecordEach time the resource changes (usually managed by a server)In the resource's metadata meta.versionId
BusinessEach time the content in the resource changes (controlled by an author or business policy)In the resource's version element (only in certain resource types)
FHIRThe version of FHIR the resource is based on eg. R4BAppears in the Implementation Guide (IG)

In this standard we aim to avoid ambiguous use of term FHIR resource meaning either a type or an instance of something.

Business versioning in resource profiles and definitions​

In all parts of an API where FHIR supports it:

  1. API items MUST define business versionπŸ’‘

  2. API items SHOULD assign a "date" element reflecting the date of last update.πŸ’‘

These requirements apply to all of the following parts of a FHIR API:

  1. The Implementation Guide for the API, and
  2. Any Resource Profile, and
  3. Any published definitional resource instances (for examples of FHIR Questionnaire, PlanDefinition, ActivityDefinition and ValueSet).

A definitional resource is any instance representation that the API designer/implement intends to be commonly available for used by all consumers of the FHIR API. These are also known as 'canonical' or well-known instances.

Not all base resource types can officially form definitions in FHIR. For example Questionnaire, PlanDefinition, ActivityDefinition and ValueSet resource types do support definition, but Encounter and Condition do not.

Managing versions of specific FHIR IG artefacts​

By default, the ig-template-base template, on which almost all FHIR IG templates are based, sets the business version of a profile or definitional resource to the version of the Implementation Guide it appears in.

However, the API designer may wish to clearly signal specific artefacts have actually been updated whereas others have not. To do this the IG SHOULD set a specific business version in each API artefact and use FHIR semantic versioning to signal to consumers when an artefact undergoes a significant update.


Implementation note: IGs built from FHIR shorthand (FSH) by the FHIR IG Publisher will need two parameters set in sushi-config.yaml to get artefact-specific versioning in the IG:

# The parameters property represents IG.definition.parameter
# ref
apply-version: false # Stops publisher from overwriting artefact-specific versions
default-version: true # Lets canonical artefacts specify their own business versions

Publishing of FHIR examples and instances which do not support business version​

Where a FHIR API specification declares well-known or canonical resource instances of types which do not support business version (that is, no "date" element) API consumers SHOULD take the business version to be the version of the IG in which those instances are defined.πŸ’‘

Versioning of canonical references​

References to definitional resource types SHOULD express the business version of the target using FHIR versioned Canonical Urls .πŸ’‘


A QuestionnaireResponse containing answers to version 2.0 of a Follow-Up Questionnaire definition (JSON):

"resourceType": "QuestionnaireResponse",
"questionnaire": "https:/|2.0",

Or in FHIR shorthand:

  Instance: FollowUpExample1
InstanceOf: FollowUpQuestionnaire
Usage: #definition

* questionnaire = Canonical(FollowUpQuestionnaire|2.0)

// ...

Versioned FHIR searching​

Resource retrieval by business version​

As described in FHIR searching FHIR APIs SHOULD let consumers retrieve a specific business version of a resource using the following query syntax:πŸ’‘|1.0

Canonical resource retrieval below business version​

As described in FHIR searching FHIR APIs SHOULD be able to process queries for canonical resources using the below: syntax to obtain all resources at or below the specified business version.πŸ’‘

For example, API consumers that issue a query for resources like

GET [base]/QuestionnaireResponse?questionnaire:below=|2

SHOULD expect to get back all QuestionnaireResponse instances for Questionnaire versions at or below version 2, for example:|2|1.2|1.1

Versioned FHIR reads​

Resource retrieval by record version​

As described in FHIR RESTFul API, FHIR APIs SHOULD let consumers retrieve a specific record version of a resource using the vread operation:πŸ’‘

GET [base]/Patient/012ee654-07e5-422e-ad21-3aa563642c04/_history/3