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Version: 1.2


These Standards play a vital role in improving health outcomes for all New Zealanders by enabling interoperability within the Health sector.

We believe community participation is critical to ensuring these API Standards continue to meet the needs of the sector.

To this end, the Standards are being maintained using a collaborative framework that actively encourages the Health sector community to participate in their evolution through:

  • raising discussion topics,
  • identifying issues and any suggestions for resolving the issue
  • proposing changes and extensions, and
  • contributing to any and all of the above.

Why get involved?

The primary reason to participate in the community is to improve the Standards so you can rely on them.

When you find an error or an issue, you may have some ideas for how to correct the error or resolve the issue. If that’s the case, then suggesting the correction/resolution is the best way to ensure that the rest of the community benefits from your knowledge.

It’s empowering to be able to make changes, even small ones. You don’t have to become a major contributor to enjoy participating. Have you ever seen a typo on a website, and wished someone would just fix it? In this community, you can do just that!

Working with others on the Standards means together we'll build better Standards for all of us.


This Community section has been inspired by and adapted from the Open Source Guide and GitHub's Building Communities documentation.