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Version: 1.2


The intent of this section is to provide you with the high level introductory concepts that will be used throughout these standards.


This section contains the business context for API standards and their use within Health NZ. It describes the value of API standards when promoting innovation in the health sector.

Target audience

This section is aimed at technical and non-technical people who are developing, or planning to develop, software for the health sector including:



An API is an interface that allows a software application to communicate with another software application. Usually, the communication protocol of APIs is agnostic, but the APIs examined here are either:

  • Web APIs, or
  • APIs accessed via the http(s) protocol.

An API should not be confused with a service. Whilst web services are APIs, not all APIs are web services. In this context, web APIs that support interoperability are relevant and not software engineering principles.


Digital health can transform the outcomes and experience of health consumers if information is shared seamlessly. When digital products, services and information systems work together in this way, it is called being interoperable. Interoperability is a key enabler of the digital health ecosystem Health NZ is building. Interoperability will ensure that health information can be accessed by health consumers, health workers, and whānau:

  • Anywhere
  • Anytime
  • Anyhow.


A standard is a documented set of the following items that when used consistently ensure that the supplies, products, processes, and services developed are fit for purpose and aligned with others in the same sector:

  • Requirements
  • Specifications
  • Agreed terms, rules, and definitions
  • Guidelines
  • Characteristics

Standards can be compulsory when referenced in Acts, regulations, or other legislative instruments.