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Version: 1.2


API publishing refers to the process of making an Application Programming Interface (API) available to API Consumers (developers, partners, and third-party users) for consumption. This involves exposing the functionalities of a software system or service in a structured, accessible manner, allowing other software applications to interact with it programmatically.

This section covers several key aspects and reasons why API publishing is a good idea:


APIs enable different software systems to communicate and interact with each other, regardless of the underlying technologies or platforms they are built on. This promotes interoperability and allows for the creation of integrated and cohesive software ecosystems.

Scalability and Flexibility

By exposing certain functionalities through APIs, organisations can scale their services more efficiently. APIs allow businesses to adapt and evolve their offerings by building new applications or services on top of existing infrastructure, without the need to completely redesign or replace systems.

Innovation and Collaboration

API publishing encourages innovation by empowering developers to leverage existing functionalities to build new applications, products, or features. It fosters collaboration and partnerships within and across industries, enabling faster development cycles and the creation of value-added services.

Improved User Experience

APIs enable the development of rich, integrated experiences for end users by combining functionalities from multiple sources into a single interface or application. This leads to enhanced user satisfaction and engagement.

Developer Community and Ecosystem

Publishing APIs encourages the formation of a developer community around a platform or service. This community can contribute to the ecosystem by creating complementary applications, sharing knowledge, and providing feedback for continuous improvement.

Standardisation and Best Practices

Well-designed APIs follow established standards and best practices, making them easier to integrate, understand, and use. This reduces development time and costs for both providers and consumers of the API.

Enhanced Security and Control

API publishing allows organisations to maintain control over how their services are accessed. Security measures such as authentication, authorisation, and rate limiting can be implemented to protect against unauthorised access.

Organisations can also control how their services are used. On boarding processes can be applied to ensure API consumers agree to terms of use for the service. This includes measures such as conformance or compliance testing. Service level agreement such as request quotas and rate limiting can be implemented to protect against abuse.