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Version: 1.2

Communicating Effectively

Building good community relies on clear communication between members. Please consider the following points as you review the Standards and offer your comments and suggestions.

Give context

Help others get quickly up to speed. If you’ve found an issue, explain what you’re trying to do and how the Standards don't support it or make it more difficult than it should be. If you’re suggesting a new idea, explain why you think it’d be useful to the community (not just to you!).

Be concise

If you keep it short and to the point, the community will be more likely to read your contribution and join the conversation.

Keep all communication public

When you keep the conversation public, more people can learn and benefit from your exchange. Please don't reach out to the community leaders privately, unless it is about a code of conduct violation.

Respect community decisions

The community may offer feedback on your contribution or decide not to pursue your idea. While you can and should discuss and seek to understand, please respect that the Standards Oversight Forum has the final say.

Above all, keep it respectful

Assume good intentions in conversations. It’s fine to politely push back on an idea, ask for more context, or further clarify your position. Just try to leave the community a better place than when you found it.

Refer to Open Source Guides for more thoughts.