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Version: 1.2

Community Documentation

Our community also has documentation - you're reading it now.

The documentation includes:

  • Community Introduction provides an overview of our community.
  • Community Guidelines describe the expectations for behaviour within the community, as well as how we will enforce those expectations when a contributor's behaviour diverges.
  • Getting Involved provides information about how to collaborate with the community.
  • Facilitating describes how our community leadership will moderate, facilitate and manage the community.
  • Measuring defines the metrics our community leadership will monitor to ensure the community is operating as intended.

If you're a developer or have technical skills, you'll want to read the, which contains a quick start instruction manual for new technical community members who wish to contribute.

In addition to the community documentation, we also have the Standards documentation:

  • Current version: The version of the Standards published on this website. The community is expected to meet the requirements and obligations stated in this version of the Standards.
  • DRAFT version: The work-in-progress version of the Standards includes all the improvements and changes planned for the current version. This DRAFT version is available to the community as an early signal of any upcoming changes and emerging requirements. The community is not obligated to comply with the DRAFT Standards until they are formally published.