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Version: 1.2

Community Tooling

Underpinning the community is a set of tools to organise and enable collaboration. You may choose to get familiar with these tools:

  • Health NZ's API Standards repository: This repository contains all the project files for these Standards, including their full revision history. The Health NZ API Standards website is created from the markdown files in this repository, so is the authoritative source of the Standards, as well as the community documentation.
  • GitHub Discussion: Where you can raise questions and discuss topics related to the Standards.
  • GitHub Issues: Where you can discuss problems and issues you've identified with the Standards. The community will work together to try and agree a resolution.
  • GitHub pull requests (PRs): Where you can discuss and review specific proposed changes to the Standards. Whether it's a typo correction, a new section or a change to an existing item, all changes will require a PR process.
  • GitHub Actions : All PRs will go through an automated process to enforce a set of common rules for the repository, e.g. spell checker, format, etc.