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Version: 1.2

API Deliverables

FHIR APIs MUST deliver the following items​

Required API ItemPublished formDescription
Implementation GuideFHIR IGThe Implementation Guide SHOULD contain all of the information developers need to consume your FHIR API.πŸ’‘
Capability StatementFHIR IGDeclares the FHIR resource types (data types in the bounded context1) and FHIR Operations (functions) the FHIR API supports.πŸ’‘
Resource ProfilesFHIR IGDescribes element requirements and constraints applied to FHIR resources to make suitable for the health solution domain.πŸ’‘
Extension DefinitionsFHIR IGDefines optional or required extensions to resources for additional data capture suitable for the health solution domain.πŸ’‘
TerminologyFHIR IGDeclare any CodeSystems and ValueSets supplying terminology required for your FHIR API.πŸ’‘
Example InstancesFHIR IGDemonstrates your API's request or response payloads which can be a quick way for developers to get started using your API.πŸ’‘
Interface SpecificationOpenAPI 3.*A machine-readable API specification document. See FHIR Example.πŸ’‘
API PoliciesDigital Services HubA set of policies that are applied to ALL APIs published in the Digital Services Hub ecosystem.πŸ’‘
TestsDependent on implementationA full set of unit, integration and functional tests for the API. These tests MUST be automated and a test report available.πŸ’‘
Service Level Agreement (SLA)Defines API availability, throughput/capacity and performance service levels API consumers can expect to obtain.πŸ’‘

See these Implementation Guides for examples of required artifact content.


  1. bounded context: a term from Domain Driven Design, defined here by Martin Fowler ↩