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Version: 1.2

Use NZ Base

Use NZ Base IG resource profiles and definitions


The New Zealand Base Implementation Guide, or 'NZ Base', contains common extensions that most NZ FHIR implementations will need, along with any terminology artifacts referenced by them (ie coded elements).

As of this standard, NZ Base v2.0.0 includes:

As well getting better interoperability with other NZ health applications, FHIR API designers and developers also benefit by leveraging definitional work done in NZ Base, avoiding a substantial amount of FHIR API spec and IG work in the deriving FHIR API.


FHIR APIs MUST derive resource profiles and definitions from the New Zealand Base Implementation Guide and make good use of NZ Base extensions or definitions where available:💡


The following examples taken from the rheumatic fever support in the Health NZ Shared Care FHIR API demonstrate how a FHIR API can build on NZ Base definitions:

  • Profile of NzCondition -- lets a FHIR Condition support special extra RF diagnostic attributes.
  • Profile of NzMedicationRequest -- extends a FHIR MedicationRequest with an extension to capture frequency of medication appointments.
  • Profile of NzPatient -- derives NzPatient to also capture patient attributes needed for management of rheumatic fever in NZ.

How to derive from NZ Base in SUSHI/FSH Implementation Guide publishing

API designers using SUSHI/FSH to generate their IG can derive from NZ Base definitions by two simple steps:

  • In sushi-config.yaml add a dependency to 2.0.0,
  • In FHIR Shorthand (FSH) for the derived resource profile, simply set the parent type to the NZ base resource name, eg. for a patient.
Profile: RheumaticFeverPatient
Parent: NzPatient
Title: "Rheumatic Fever Patient"
Description: "NzPatient-based FHIR resource for representing rheumatic fever patients"



A FHIR API that does any of the following will be viewed as violating this standard.

  1. Re-profiling a FHIR base resource, ignoring an NZ Base profile previously published (duplication),
  2. Extending a resource profile of an NZ Base resource and then profiling out NZ base elements/operations (dilution).